ERC-4804 (The 1st Web Protocol Standard for ETH) Is Now Finalized
We’re delighted to announce that the first web access protocol for ETH — ERC4804: Web3 URL is approved by EIP editors and finalized! ERC-4804 was proposed by Qi Zhou, Founder of EthStorage.
What is ERC-4804?
ERC-4804 is titled Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation, which is an HTTP-style Web3 URL to EVM call message.
Simply speaking, web3:// ( is decentralized http://. It allows users to directly browse the rich web content on EVM, pages/images/songs! It defines HTTP-style web3:// links to locate any on-chain web resources hosted by smart contracts. The purpose of ERC-4804 is to add a decentralized presentation layer for Ethereum. With the layer, we are able to render any web content (including HTML/CSS/JPG/PNG/SVG, etc) on-chain using human-readable URLs, and thus EVM can be served as a decentralized Backend.
You can see more details here:
What can ERC-4804 bring?
We believe that web3:// will enable a huge number of new applications — ranging from dynamic NFTs, onchain music NFTs, personal websites (VitalikButerin’s blog), hostless wallets (HexlinkOfficial), decentralized dropbox (BlockEden), or even decentralized GitHub (git3protocol).
Now the gateway for web3:// access protocol is available at and this supports dozens of major mainnets including Ethereum, Arbirum One & Nova, BNB Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon, Harmony, Base, and more. You can check the full list of the mainnets supported here:
Examples are also available at
We welcome more web3 buidler to work on the new web3 era.
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